In my previous posts, I introduced the Amazon Rainforest and it's endangered situation to the reader. As we all know how precious the Amazon Rainforest is  and how important it is to us human being. Now it's high time for us to take action and really do something!

Although the rainforest is the Earth’s oldest living ecosystem and has been around for millions of years, it may not be around for much longer. At the present rate of destruction, the rainforest will be gone in 20 years or less. And, unlike North American rainforests, once the Amazon Rainforest is destroyed, it doesn’t come back.

The Amazon Rainforest supplies most of the air in our lungs and when the rainforest is gone, so is most of our air. This definitely caught my attention. In the hospital, I see many people having to pull oxygen tanks around with them in order to catch a breath of air. Without the rainforest, in 20 years or less, none of us will be able to breathe without these tanks.

Destruction of the rainforest is the second largest cause of global warming. Scientists believe that if global warming continues, it could cause serious problems like floods and droughts in different parts of the world. We have already seen evidence of this worldwide.

What can you do to protect rainforests?

1.      Live in a way that doesn’t hurt the environment – for example, don’t buy tropical woods. These are most often used for flooring or furniture. Mahogany, teak, and others are very common. Instead look for American woods such as oak, cherry, walnut, ash, and beech. Beautiful floors are now available made from bamboo – this is actually a fast-growing grass that is more environmentally friendly than cutting down huge old-growth trees.

2.      Eat less meat! So much meat is produced now in large feed lots  - “CAFO’s” – Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations – that the requirement for feed around the world has forced large swaths of the Amazon to be turned into fields to grow soybeans for export.

3.      Use FSC certified paper – see if your school district is using FSC paper. A list of approved paper brands is available online at the FSC website.

4.      Learn about the rainforest – as you are doing – and share your knowledge and concerns with others. 

Last but not least, pass along this blog post and let more people know about the importance of Amazon Rainforest and join the campaign of protecting Amazon Rainforest!

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